Abstract Aiming to compare the normative features of two-character (2C) words of different categories in simplified Chinese, we collected scores on 13 features (frequency, number of strokes, number of meanings, subjective frequency, subjective number of meanings, AoA, compositionality, semantic transparency, familiarity, concreteness, imageability, emotional experience rating, and sensory experience rating) for 1,717 nouns, 1,114 verbs, and 459 adjectives. Statistical analyses revealed both similarities and differences among the three categories of 2C words in normative characteristics. One-way ANOVA showed that 2C-nouns had the highest scores in concreteness, imageability and semantic transparency, but the lowest score in number of strokes; 2C-verbs were the most frequently used, the latest to be acquired, but the least to arouse people's sensory experiences; 2C-adjectives were rated to be the most familiar, the most commonly encountered in daily life, the most to evoke people's emotional experiences, but the least concrete. Pearson correlations analyses indicated that subjective frequency enjoyed positive correlations with frequency and familiarity, but had a negative correlation with AoA. Significant correlations between concreteness, imageability and sensory experience rating were only found for nouns and adjectives, but not for verbs. Factor analyses suggested that the 13 variables for Chinese 2C words could be elegantly compressed into four common factors: Frequency, Semantics, Visual Complexity and Meaningfulness. Frequency, Semantics, Visual Complexity and Meaningfulness explained 18.91%, 18.65%, 9.48%, and 8.68% of features variance for the 2C nouns, 18.69%, 15.58%, 9.09%, and 9.82% for the 2C verbs, and 17.79%, 17.10%, 9.12%, and 10.04% for the 2C adjectives. Compositionality tended to reflect the visual complexity dimension for the 2C-words in general. However, AoA was loaded onto Frequency for the verbs and for the adjectives, but onto Semantics for the nouns. Emotional experience rating clustered with frequency, subjective frequency, and familiarity for the nouns, but clustered with sensory experience rating, concreteness, and semantic transparency for the verbs and the adjectives In a word, some results are consistent with and some other results are inconsistent with previous findings in European languages. There was a greater degree of similarity between the verbs and the adjectives than between the verbs and the nouns or between the adjectives and the nouns.It implicated that further studies on the unique aspects of normative features of 2C words in Chinese would likely yield significant contributions to the understanding of the language.