

参考文献 1
王祖全. 基于古代破损壁画文物的色彩修复技术研究[D].西安:西安工程大学,2017.
WANGZ Q. Research on the Color Restoration Technology Based on the Ancient Damaged Murals[D]. Xi’an: Xi’an Polytechnic University, 2017.
参考文献 2
任小康, 邓琳凯. 基于尺度空间的小波纹理描述算法的壁画修复[J]. 计算机工程与科学, 2014,36(11):2191-2195.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-130X.2014.11.023
RENX K, DENGL K. Murals inpainting of the wavelet texture description algorithm based on scale space[J]. Computer Engineering & Science, 2014,36(11):2191-2195.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-130X.2014.11.023
参考文献 3
杨筱平, 王书文. 基于优先权改进算法的敦煌壁画复杂破损区域修复[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2011,23(2):284-289.
YANGX P, WANGS W. Dunhuang mural inpainting in intricate disrepaired region based on improvement of priority algorithm[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design &Computer Graphics,2011,23(2):284-289.
参考文献 4
张彦娥, 魏颖慧, 梅树立, 等. 基于多尺度区间插值小波法的牛肉图像中大理石花纹分割[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016,32(21):296-304.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.21.041
ZHANGY E, WEIY H, MEIS L, et al. Application of multi-scale interval interpolation wavelet in beef image of marbling segmentation [J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2016,32(21):296-304.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.21.041
参考文献 5
MOHAMADIN, SOHEILIA R, TOUTOUNIANF. A new hybrid denoising model based on PDEs[J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2018,77(10):12057-12072.doi:10.1007/s11042-017-4858-8
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LIB, XIEW. Adaptive fractional differential approach and its application to medical image enhancement[J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2015,45:324-335.doi:10.1016/j.compeleceng.2015.02.013
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常璐璐, 张化朋. B超医学图像去噪模型的快速算法研究[J]. 计算机技术与发展, 2017,27(3):57-60.
CHANGL L, ZHANGH P. Investigation on fast algorithm for B ultrasonic medical image denoising model[J]. Computer Technology and Development,2017,27(3):57-60.
参考文献 8
李艺珠, 沈汀. 非下采样小波域的四阶偏微分SAR图像去噪[J]. 遥感信息, 2016,31(6):95-99.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3177.2016.06.015
LIY Z, SHENT.SAR image denoising using fourth-order PDE based on NSWT[J]. Remote Sensing Information,2016,31(6):95-99.
参考文献 9
李丽, 张楠楠, 梅树立, 等. 基于自适应小波偏微分方程的蝗虫切片图像去噪[J]. 农业工程学报, 2015,31(20):172-177.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.20.024
LIL, ZHANGN N, MEIS L, et al. Image de-noising of locust sections based on adaptive wavelet and partial differential equation method[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2015,31(20):172-177.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.20.024
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WEIT, MA T H, ZHENGY H, et al. Weighted curvature-preserving PDE image filtering method[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2015, 70(6): 1336-1344.
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LOVEE, RIDERW J. On the convergence of finite difference methods for PDE under temporal refinement[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2013,66(1):33-40.doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2013.04.019
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梅树立, 张森文, 雷廷武. Burgers方程的小波精细积分算法[J]. 计算力学学报,2003, 20(1): 49-52.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-4708.2003.01.011
MEIS L, ZHANGS W, LEIT W. On wavelet precise time-integration method for Burgers equations[J]. Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2003, 20(1):49-52.
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MEIS L, LUQ S, ZHANGS W, et al. Adaptive interval wavelet precise integration method for partial differential equations[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2005, 26(3):364-371.
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PERONAP, MALIKJ. Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence, 1990, 12 (7): 629-639.doi:10.1109/34.56205
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卢兆林. 基于偏微分方程理论的图像复原技术研究[D].徐州:中国矿业大学, 2012.
LUZ L. Research on Image Restoration Technology Based on the Theory of Partial Differential Equations[D].Xuzhou: China University of Mining and Technology, 2012.
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MEIS L, GAOW L. Shannon–Cosine wavelet spectral method for solving fractional Fokker–Planck equations[J]. International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution & Information Processing, 2018,16(3):1850021.doi:10.1142/s0219691318500212
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赵四能, 张丰, 杜震洪, 等. 基于提升小波的方向扩散算法实现侧扫声呐图像去噪[J]. 浙江大学学报(理学版), 2012,39(5):593-598.
ZHAOS N, ZHANGF, DUZ H, et,al. The directional diffusion based on discrete wavelet algorithm to achieve side-scan sonar image denoising[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), 2012,39(5):593.
参考文献 19
ZHOUW, ALANC B, HAMIDR S, et al. Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2004,13(4):600-612.
目录 contents


    为修复受破损且噪声点众多的壁画图像,提出了用偏微分方程(partial differential equation,PDE)扩散的方法对图像进行降噪修复。针对PDE法求解精度较低的问题,提出了一种Shannon-Cosine小波精细积分法,运用小波数值方法对偏微分方程进行离散处理,降低其方程组规模,并采用精细积分法求解,有效提高了计算速度。试验结果表明,采用该算法对受损壁画降噪处理后,视觉上,图像边界更清晰,且噪声点得到有效减少,达到了保边降噪的效果,更符合人眼的视觉效果;客观上,与中值滤波、均值滤波和维纳滤波方法相比,采用本算法处理后的图像其PSNR值和SSIM值均最大。因此,运用Shannon-Cosine小波精细积分法求解图像的PDE模型是可行的,取得了较好的图像降噪效果。


    Ancient murals are precious historical and cultural heritages of China. In order to repair the damaged mural images, a method of partial differential equation (PDE) diffusion is proposed to denoise these images. To solve the PDE equation, the method of difference is usually adopted, but the accuracy of the method is not enough. To solve this problem, we introduce a Shannon-Cosine wavelet precise integration method. It adopts the wavelet numerical method to discretize the partial differential equation so as to reduce the size of the equation set. The precise integration method is then employed to solve the ordinary differential equations, which can effectively improve the calculation speed. Experimental results show that the de-noised image obtained by the proposed algorithm has less residual noise and clearer textures in comparison with other algorithms. Two common de-noise evaluation criteria of image were adopted, i.e. PSNR and structural similarity image measurement (SSIM), which measured the degree of image distortion and similarity between the processed and the original image. Compared with median filtering, mean filtering and Wiener filtering, the PSNR and SSIM values of the image processed by this algorithm are the largest.In conclusion, the proposed algorithm is feasible and effective for de-noising murals image.







    已有的小波精细积分法大多用Quasi-Shannon小波作为基函数对偏微分方程进行离散。顾名思义,这种拟小波不是真正意义上的小波,且不具备紧支撑性。本文提出将Shannon-Cosine小波精细积分法用于受损壁画的修复,运用Shannon-Cosine 小波的多尺度特性,对图像进行小波分解,可以识别图像的纹理和边缘,使处理后的图像轮廓更加突出,纹理更清晰,从而提升壁画的修复效果。相对于拟小波,由于Shannon-Cosine小波具有紧支撑性及小波的所有特性,是真正意义上的小波,具有更高的数值精度和效率。


  • 1 基于热传导方程的图像降噪








  • 2 小波精细积分法的图像降噪

  • 2.1 Shannon-Cosine小波定义







    Shannon函数经过Cosine函数调制,可同时满足正交性、插值性、紧支撑性和连续性等优点,且具有具体的解析表达式,在性能上明显优于Shannon函数。图1为 Shannon尺度函数和Shannon-Cosine尺度函数对比图。


    图1 Shannon尺度函数和Shannon-Cosine尺度函数的比较

    Fig.1 Comparison of Shannon scaling functions and Shannon-Cosine scaling functions

  • 2.2 常微分方程的Shannon-Cosine小波空间离散







    其中,k=0,1,2,…,2 j


  • 2.3 二维偏微分方程的小波配置法







    其中,k1=0,1,2,…,2 jk2=0,1,2,…,2 j, jZ。 记Vj=ujx0,y0,t,ujx1,y0,t,,ujx2j,y0,t,ujx0,y1,t,ujx1,y1,t,,ujx2j,y1,t,ujx0,y2j,t,ujx1,y2j,t,,ujx2j,y2j,tT,(12)







  • 2.4 非线性常微分方程组的精细积分法求解









  • 2.5 算法效率分析

    Shannon-Cosine小波精细积分法,在处理图像时可以自适应地选取配置点,且只需对选取的配置点进行处理,可有效提升图像的处理速度。同时,其多尺度特性可以识别图像的纹理特征,令处理后的图像纹理更加清晰。图2(a)为一幅简单的二值图,像素大小为60×60。图2(b)为选取配置点后获得的图像,配置点数为1 044。从图2中可以看出,本算法有效选取了图像的特征点位置,在纹理边缘处密集取点,在平滑处稀疏取点,很好地保留了图像的纹理特征。且算法对图像进行配置点选取后,可明显提升效率。


    图2 配置点说明图

    Fig.2 Explanatory drawing of collocation points

  • 3 算法流程及试验分析

  • 3.1 小波精细积分法的图像降噪步骤


  • 3.2 评价指标

  • 3.2.1 峰值信噪比

    峰值信噪[18](peak signal to noise ratio,PSNR)用于评价原图像和降噪后图像在像素上的差异。定义为



  • 3.2.2 结构相似度

    结构相似度(structural similarity image measurement,SSIM[19]是评价两幅图像相似程度的指标。值越大,表示两幅图像的结构相似程度越高,最大值为1。计算公式为



  • 3.3 降噪方法对比分析

    此算法以Matlab R2014a作为平台,在Windows 10操作系统上实现。为验证本文算法用于壁画降噪修复的有效性,选用3组壁画进行仿真试验。图3(a)为原始图像,图4(a)为局部放大图。从此2图中可以看出,由于壁画年代久远,墙壁发生损坏,原图像本身所含噪声点较大,颜色分布不均匀,同时图像较模糊。为了从客观指标上对比算法的降噪效果,使用Photoshop软件,手工对原图进行修复,获得了一张清晰度高、比较符合视觉感受的效果图,将其作为评价指标的基准图,如图3(f)所示。


    图3 本文算法与其他算法去噪结果对比

    Fig.3 Comparison of de-noising results between the proposed algorithm and other algorithms


    图4 本文算法与其他算法去噪效果对比

    Fig.4 Comparison of de-noising results between the proposed algorithm and other algorithms



    从图3中可以看出,中值滤波和均值滤波处理后的图像均出现模糊现象,这是因为这2种滤波方法未考虑图像的边界问题,整体降噪时会令边界变模糊。维纳滤波的效果较中值和均值滤波好,但一些噪声点未能通过降噪完全去除,且同样存在边界模糊的问题,图像质量欠佳。本文算法处理后的图像突出了其边界纹理信息,且有效去除了噪声,实现了图像的保边降噪,取得了较好的修复效果。从表1的数据中也可看出,本文算法的PSNR值为32.3067 db,SSIM值为0.909 8 ,均高于其他算法,所以从客观指标来看,本文算法好于其他算法。

    表1 本文算法与其他去噪算法结果的客观评价

    Table 1 Objective evaluation of de-noising results between proposed algorithm and other algorithms


    Median filtering





    Wiener filtering


    Proposed algorithm

    图3PSNR/db22.152 723.245 128.313 432.306 7
    SSIM0.693 50.735 20.858 60.909 8
    图5PSNR/db20.574 122.598 723.083 826.489 3
    SSIM0.555 80.689 20.704 90.864 4
    图6aPSNR/db23.640 925.486 226.576 828.269 7
    SSIM0.694 50.741 20.819 20.865 5
    图6bPSNR/db21.003 622.435 625.052 627.146 9
    SSIM0.672 50.730 10.841 40.919 4




    图5 本文算法与其他算法去噪效果对比

    Fig.5 Comparison of de-noising results between the proposed algorithm and other algorithms



    图6 本文算法与其他算法去噪效果对比

    Fig.6 Comparison of de-noising results between proposed algorithm and other algorithms

  • 4 结 论


  • 参考文献(References)

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      王祖全. 基于古代破损壁画文物的色彩修复技术研究[D].西安:西安工程大学,2017.

      WANG Z Q. Research on the Color Restoration Technology Based on the Ancient Damaged Murals[D]. Xi’an: Xi’an Polytechnic University, 2017.

    • 2

      任小康, 邓琳凯. 基于尺度空间的小波纹理描述算法的壁画修复[J]. 计算机工程与科学, 2014,36(11):2191-2195.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-130X.2014.11.023

      REN X K, DENG L K. Murals inpainting of the wavelet texture description algorithm based on scale space[J]. Computer Engineering & Science, 2014,36(11):2191-2195.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-130X.2014.11.023

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      杨筱平, 王书文. 基于优先权改进算法的敦煌壁画复杂破损区域修复[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2011,23(2):284-289.

      YANG X P, WANG S W. Dunhuang mural inpainting in intricate disrepaired region based on improvement of priority algorithm[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design &Computer Graphics,2011,23(2):284-289.

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      张彦娥, 魏颖慧, 梅树立, 等. 基于多尺度区间插值小波法的牛肉图像中大理石花纹分割[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016,32(21):296-304.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.21.041

      ZHANG Y E, WEI Y H, MEI S L, et al. Application of multi-scale interval interpolation wavelet in beef image of marbling segmentation [J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2016,32(21):296-304.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.21.041

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机 构:中国农业大学 信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083

Affiliation:College of Information and Electrical Engineer, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China

作者简介:李丽(1963—),ORCID:http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6521-7740 ,女,博士,教授,主要从事计算机图形图像处理技术研究.


机 构:中国农业大学 信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083

Affiliation:College of Information and Electrical Engineer, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China


机 构:中国农业大学 信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083

Affiliation:College of Information and Electrical Engineer, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China


机 构:北京邮电大学 世纪学院, 北京 102613

Affiliation:Mobile Media and Cultural Computing Key Laboratory of Beijing, Century College, Beijing University of Post & Telecommunication, Beijing 102613, China



Median filtering





Wiener filtering


Proposed algorithm

图3PSNR/db22.152 723.245 128.313 432.306 7
SSIM0.693 50.735 20.858 60.909 8
图5PSNR/db20.574 122.598 723.083 826.489 3
SSIM0.555 80.689 20.704 90.864 4
图6aPSNR/db23.640 925.486 226.576 828.269 7
SSIM0.694 50.741 20.819 20.865 5
图6bPSNR/db21.003 622.435 625.052 627.146 9
SSIM0.672 50.730 10.841 40.919 4

图1 Shannon尺度函数和Shannon-Cosine尺度函数的比较

Fig.1 Comparison of Shannon scaling functions and Shannon-Cosine scaling functions

图2 配置点说明图

Fig.2 Explanatory drawing of collocation points

图3 本文算法与其他算法去噪结果对比

Fig.3 Comparison of de-noising results between the proposed algorithm and other algorithms

图4 本文算法与其他算法去噪效果对比

Fig.4 Comparison of de-noising results between the proposed algorithm and other algorithms

表1 本文算法与其他去噪算法结果的客观评价

Table 1 Objective evaluation of de-noising results between proposed algorithm and other algorithms

图5 本文算法与其他算法去噪效果对比

Fig.5 Comparison of de-noising results between the proposed algorithm and other algorithms

图6 本文算法与其他算法去噪效果对比

Fig.6 Comparison of de-noising results between proposed algorithm and other algorithms

image /








  • 参考文献(References)

    • 1

      王祖全. 基于古代破损壁画文物的色彩修复技术研究[D].西安:西安工程大学,2017.

      WANG Z Q. Research on the Color Restoration Technology Based on the Ancient Damaged Murals[D]. Xi’an: Xi’an Polytechnic University, 2017.

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