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浙江大学学报(理学版)  2022, Vol. 49 Issue (6): 767-780    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9497.2022.06.016
1.浙江工商大学 旅游与城乡规划学院,浙江 杭州 310018
2.温州理工学院 经济与管理学院,浙江 温州 325006
The influence of place attachment on tourist citizenship behavior in the context of vacation tourism: Based on the perspective of psychological ownership
Zhimeng XU1(),Tianhong JIANG2,Lufang GUO1
1.School of Tourism and Urban-Rural Planning,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou 310018,China
2.School of Economics and Management,Wenzhou University of Technology,Wenzhou 325006,Zhejiang Province,China
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游客公民行为是促进旅游地保持竞争力、实现持续发展的重要推手,现有研究主要参照顾客公民行为的逻辑框架,未能突出旅游情境和游客群体的独特性。以浙江省3个国家级旅游度假区游客为研究对象,基于社会交换理论和心理所有权理论,构建了一个可调节的中介模型,探究地方依恋、地方心理所有权、自我提升动机与游客公民行为的关系。用SPSS 22.0和AMOSS 23.0软件分析收集到的419份样本数据,结果表明:地方依恋正向影响地方心理所有权和游客公民行为;地方心理所有权正向影响游客公民行为;地方心理所有权对地方依恋与游客公民行为之间的关系起部分中介作用;自我提升动机正向调节地方心理所有权与游客公民行为的关系,同时正向调节地方心理所有权的中介作用。

关键词: 度假旅游地方依恋地方心理所有权自我提升动机游客公民行为    

Tourist citizenship behavior is an essential driving force for promoting tourism destinations to maintain competitiveness and achieve sustainable development. Existing research mainly focuses on the logical framework of customer citizenship behavior but fails to highlight the uniqueness of tourism situations and tourist groups. Based on the social exchange theory and psychological ownership theory, this research aims at tourists from three national tourist resorts in Zhejiang Province and constructs a moderated mediation model to explore the relationship between place attachment, destination psychological ownership, self-improvement motivation, and tourist citizenship behavior. Data collected from 419 tourists at three national tourist resorts in Zhejiang through an on-site intercept survey were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) and bootstrap approach. The results indicate that: place attachment exerts a positive impact on destination psychological ownership and tourist citizenship behavior; destination psychological ownership positively affects tourist citizenship behavior and plays a partial mediating role in the positive relationship between place attachment and tourist citizenship behavior; Furthermore, self-improvement motivation moderates the effect of destination psychological ownership on tourist citizenship behavior, as well as the indirect effect of place attachment on tourist citizenship behavior via destination psychological ownership. The research provides a unique insight into how tourist citizenship is formed by developing a moderated mediation model from the perspective of destination psychological ownership. Pragmatically, destination administrations are highly expected to promote tourist citizenship behavior by enhancing tourists' destination psychological ownership.

Key words: vacation tourism    place attachment    destination psychological ownership    self-improvement motivation    tourist citizenship behavior (TCB)
收稿日期: 2021-09-23 出版日期: 2022-11-23
CLC:  F 529  
基金资助: 国家社科基金项目(20BGL151)
作者简介: 许智濛(1989—),ORCID:,男,博士研究生,主要从事旅游管理和旅游者行为研究,
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许智濛,蒋天虹,郭鲁芳. 度假旅游情境中地方依恋对游客公民行为的影响——基于心理所有权视角[J]. 浙江大学学报(理学版), 2022, 49(6): 767-780.

Zhimeng XU,Tianhong JIANG,Lufang GUO. The influence of place attachment on tourist citizenship behavior in the context of vacation tourism: Based on the perspective of psychological ownership. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), 2022, 49(6): 767-780.


图1  研究模型
变量测量项目因子载荷AVECRCronbach's α



表1  信度、效度检验
表2  变量描述性统计和相关系数矩阵
表3  直接效应分析结果
表4  拟合度检测结果

95% CI

下限 上接

地方依恋→地方心理所有权→游客公民行为直接效应0.2190.0710.088 0.36454
间接效应0.1890.0450.107 0.28446
总效应0.4080.0650.274 0.532100
表5  中介效应分析结果

表6  调节效应分析结果
图2  不同自我提升动机水平下地方心理所有权对游客公民行为的影响
效应调节变量效应值SE95% CI











表7  有调节的中介效应分析结果
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