
Kinematics analysis of scissor deployable mechanism with variable Poisson motion characteristics
Boyan CHANG,Shengjie YAN,Dong LIANG,Xin GUAN,Fangxiao HAN
表2 7种三明治结构的最大应力、最大变形量和夹芯层质量
Table 2 Maximum stress, maximum deformation and sandwich layer mass of seven sandwich structures
1)1.594 19.473 5×10-5622.406
2)1.610 21.990 2×10-4676.104
3)1.838 65.427 0×10-4640.240
几字形1.380 93.133 0×10-41 316.016
拱形3.406 72.347 8×10-31 322.404
梯形2.149 88.376 0×10-41 342.403
蜂窝形2.836 21.281 0×10-31 806.590