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工程设计学报  2015, Vol. 22 Issue (5): 469-475    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn. 1006-754X.2015.05.010
高 猛,徐 鹏
中北大学 理学院,山西 太原 030051
Energy absorption characteristics study of aluminum foam-filled aluminum-tubes under high g value impact
GAO Meng, XU Peng
College of science, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China
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摘要: 在弹体高速侵彻硬目标和弹箭爆炸抛撒过程等环境中,弹载测控电路将承受数万g的冲击加速度作用,因此需要对测控电路模块进行缓冲保护.为了设计较优的保护结构,提出了3种不同厚度的铝壳和不同密度泡沫铝的填充结构,利用LS-DYNA有限元软件,从载荷效率、比吸能、隔冲效率以及最大加速度响应等4个评价指标对泡沫铝填充铝壳缓冲吸能效果进行评估.结果表明,厚度为0.8mm、密度为1.1g/cm3填充结构的缓冲吸能效果在不同组合中最好.
关键词: 泡沫铝填充铝壳比吸能隔冲效率评价指标    
Abstract: In the process of high speed hard target penetration of projectile and projectile explosive dispersion process missile control circuits will withstand the impact acceleration of tens of thousands of g which needs buffer to protect control circuit modules.In order to design a better protection structure, we put forward three aluminum shell thicknesses combined with different densities of aluminum foam for the aluminum shell filling structure.With explicit dynamic finite element software LS-DYNA, the energy absorption effect of the structure was evaluated by 4 factors, the load efficiency, the specific energy absorption, the shock isolation efficiency and the maximum acceleration response.The study showed that the filling structure buffer with thickness of 0.8 mm combined with density of 1.1 g/cm3 provided the highest energy absorbing effect in all the different combination.
Key words: aluminum foam-filed tube    specific energy absorption    shock isolation effect    evaluation index
收稿日期: 2015-06-09 出版日期: 2015-10-28


作者简介: 高猛(1989—),男,陕西渭南人,硕士,从事高g值冲击、结构优化研究, 通信联系人:徐鹏(1969—),男,山西永济人,博士,教授,从事侵彻、爆炸过程测试及其结构力学行为的计算机模拟等研究,
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高 猛,徐 鹏. 高g值冲击下泡沫铝填充铝壳吸能特性研究[J]. 工程设计学报, 2015, 22(5): 469-475.

GAO Meng, XU Peng. Energy absorption characteristics study of aluminum foam-filled aluminum-tubes under high g value impact. Chinese Journal of Engineering Design, 2015, 22(5): 469-475.

链接本文: 1006-754X.2015.05.010

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