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Food Qual Safet
Research Articles     
Estimates and burden of foodborne pathogens in RTE beverages in relation to vending practices
Asma Afreen,* Zaheer Ahmed,* Hajra Ahmad* and Nauman Khalid**
*Department of Home and Health Sciences, Research Complex, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan, **School of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
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【材料和方法】选择了拉瓦尔品第市六个人口密集的地区。在温度达到40°C以上的夏季,选择了来自每个地点的五家供应商的常用甘蔗汁(SCJ)和罗望子李(干李子)饮料(TPD)(当地称为Imli Alu Bukhara果子露)。通过单变量和双变量分析获得平均值和标准偏差。通过卡方、相关性测试等评估研究变量之间的关联。

【结果】通过平板计数发现所有样品都令人不太满意。在SCJ86.7%和TPD样品的70.0%中观察到总大肠菌群。SCJ14个样品超过> 1100MPN / ml的极限值,而TPD的样品超过了大肠杆菌的这个极限。所有SCJ93.3%的TPD样本都表明存在金黄色葡萄球菌。沙门氏菌被发现有较高的比例,SCJ样本达73.3%和TPD样本达23.3%。


关键词: 即食饮料食源性病原体街头小贩自动售货机    


Growing trend of street-vended food in underdeveloped countries offers low-cost food to many sections of population. Although it provides job opportunities to many urban dwellers, several health hazards are associated with this business. The present study investigates the burden of foodborne pathogens in Ready-To-Eat (RTE) beverages in relation to vending practices among street vendors of Rawalpindi City, Pakistan according to standardized methods and protocols.

Materials and Methods

Six densely populated locations of Rawalpindi city were selected. Commonly consumed sugar cane juice (SCJ) and tamarind prune (dried plums) drink (TPD) (locally called as Imli Alu Bukhara sherbet) from five vendors from each location were chosen in summer season where the temperature reaches above 40°C. Mean and the standard deviation were obtained by univariate and bivariate analyses. Association between the study variables was assessed through cross-tabulations, chi-square, and correlation tests.


All the samples were found unsatisfactory in comparison to guidelines of aerobic plate count. Total coliform was observed in 86.7 per cent of SCJ and 70.0 per cent of TPD samples. Fourteen samples of SCJ exceeded the limit of >1100 MPN/ml value, whereas samples of TPD exceeded this limit for Escherichia coli. All of SCJ and 93.3 per cent of TPD samples depicted the presence of Salmonella aureus. Salmonella spp. were found significantly high in 73.3 per cent samples of SCJ and 23.3 per cent samples of TPD.


The incidence of high bioloads attributes towards a potential reservoir of foodborne pathogens due to unhygienic vending practices.

Key words: Ready-To-Eat beverages    foodborne pathogens    street vendors    vending practices
收稿日期: 2018-10-24 出版日期: 2019-04-06
通讯作者: Nauman Khalid, School of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Management and Technology, C-II Johar Town, Lahore 54000, Pakistan.     E-mail:
作者简介: Nauman Khalid, School of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Management and Technology, C-II Johar Town, Lahore 54000, Pakistan. E-mail:
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Asma Afreen
Zaheer Ahmed
Hajra Ahmad
Nauman Khalid


Asma Afreen, Zaheer Ahmed, Hajra Ahmad, Nauman Khalid. Estimates and burden of foodborne pathogens in RTE beverages in relation to vending practices. Food Qual Safet, 10.1093/fqsafe/fyz007.


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