
Digital twin mapping modeling and method of monitoring and simulation for reconfigurable manufacturing system
Bo-han LENG,Tang-bin XIA,He SUN,Hao WANG,Li-feng XI
表 2 4种规划构型仿真结果
Tab.2 Simulation result of four planned configurations
仿真构型 $ C_{{\text{Rec}}}^\prime $构成 $ C_{{\text{Rec}}}^\prime $/CNY ${T_{{\text{Bat}}}}$/s ${\text{Bal}}$/%
当前构型 518.1 51.3
规划构型① ${\text{PI} }({M^{\rm{F}}}) + P({\text{Base} })$ 280 000 476.4 63.0
规划构型② ${\text{PI} }({M^{\rm{F}}}) + {\text{PI} }({M^{{\rm{A}}/{\rm{G}}} }) + 2P({\text{Base} })$ 420 000 449.9 63.0
规划构型③ ${\text{PI} }({M^{\rm{F}}}) + {\text{PI} }({M^{{\rm{A}}/{\rm{G}}} }) + 2P({\text{Base} })$ 420 000 451.6 63.0
规划构型④ ${\text{PI} }({M^{\rm{F}}}) + {\text{PI} }({M^{\rm{E}}}) + {\text{PI} }({M^{{\rm{A}}/{\rm{G}}} }) + 3P({\text{Base} })$ 820 000 419.9 77.4