
Effect of inorganic ash on pyrolysis characteristics of organic matter of biogas residue from food waste
Wan-li WANG,Kai SUN,Qun-xing HUANG,Jian-hua YAN
表 1 沼渣和除灰沼渣的工业元素热值分析
Tab.1 Proximate and ultimate analysis of samples
样品 wB/% e/(MJ·kg−1
水分 灰分 挥发分 固定碳 C H O N S
沼渣 1.8 29.7 62.0 6.5 45.1 6.1 14.1 2.6 0.6 19.9
除灰沼渣 8.5 13.0 70.8 7.7 52.0 6.6 16.8 2.8 0.3 25.1