
Contour matching method of groove track based on laser sensor
Chuan-hui WU,Jia LIAO,Shi-yong XIONG,Ying-jie NIU,Bo ZHOU
表 1 动态检测与人工检测实验结果对比
Tab.1 Comparison of dynamic test results and manual test results
$K$/m ${d_{\rm{m}}}$/mm ${d_{\rm{d}}}$/mm $\varepsilon $/mm
K23+225 0.7 0.603 7 −0.096 4
K23+250 0.3 0.329 6 0.029 6
K23+275 −0.1 −0.156 4 −0.056 4
K23+300 0.5 0.395 5 −0.104 5
K23+325 −0.2 −0.160 3 0.039 7
K23+350 0.3 0.465 5 0.165 5
K23+375 −0.1 −0.161 4 −0.061 4
K23+400 −0.3 −0.335 5 −0.035 5
K23+425 0.1 0.161 3 0.061 3
K23+450 0.2 0.302 2 0.102 2