Real-time detection and discrimination of static objects and ghosts |
YE Fang-fang1, 2, XU Li1 |
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2.College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 210023, China |
Abstract A real-time detection method was proposed for static objects and ghosts detection and discrimination in order to solve the interference of ghost in video-based security surveillance. Two backgrounds were constructed to detect static foregrounds. Then an evidence aggregate image and a permitted occlusion time parameter were introduced in order to reduce false alarms and handle occlusions. Canny edge operator was applied to extract the edge of the static foregrounds region, and boundary spatial color contrast in the background and current frame was computed. The static objects and ghosts were discriminated by comparing the boundary spatial color contrast. Experimental results over a heterogeneous dataset demonstrate that the approach can effectively detect stationary foregrounds from complex scenes and rapidly discriminate static objects and ghosts with a high accuracy, greatly reduce the computational cost of the discrimination task. The method runs average around 50 frames per second for a sequence with an image resolution of 352×288, which can be applied to real-time surveillance tasks.
Published: 06 June 2018
针对视频安全监控中出现的鬼影干扰现象,提出静止目标与鬼影的实时检测及判别方法.建立双背景模型检测出静止前景区域,通过证据累积图像和允许遮挡时间参数减少虚警及处理遮挡问题.采用canny算子提取静止前景的边缘,分别计算静止前景边缘在当前帧与背景帧中的边界颜色对比度.通过对比边界颜色对比度的大小区分静止目标与鬼影.在不同复杂度的视频场景下的实验表明,采用该方法能够有效地从复杂场景中检测出静止目标,并快速判别鬼影,极大地降低了计算耗时且准确率较高.对于图像大小为 352×288 的视频序列,该算法的平均运行速度约为50 帧/s,能够满足实时的监控任务需求.
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