Stress analysis and field testing of buried pipeline under traffic load |
LI Xin-liang1,LI Su-zhen1,2,SHEN Yong-gang3 |
1. Department of Building Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Disaster Research in Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;3. Department of Civil Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China |
Abstract Mechanical condition of buried pipes under traffic load is significant for safety evaluation of pipeline network. The theoretical solutions of this mechanical issue were first carried out by following the three steps:Boussinesq solutions for additional soil pressure due to wheel weight;Winkler beam model for pipe longitudinal stress;Iowa formula for the hoop stress. The influences of various parameters on pipe stress were then investigated,including tire pressure,buried depth,wheel-pipe horizontal distance,stiffness ratio of pipe and soil,and modulus of soil reaction. Aiming to a water distribution pipe under a main road,field tests were conducted to measure its strain responses by using long-gage fiber bragg grating (FBG) sensors. The test results verify the accuracy of the theoretical methods and indicate that the peak values of axial strain responses of the pipe is not sensitive to the passing speed of the vehicle.
Published: 01 November 2014
为研究交通荷载作用下管道结构的力学响应特性,应用线弹性力学理论,将车辆轴载下埋地管道的静力计算问题分解成3个部分依次求解:基于Boussinesq解答的管顶附加土压应力计算,基于Winkler弹性地基梁模型的管道纵向应力计算,基于Iowa公式的管道环向应力计算. 在此基础上探讨轮压、管道埋深、轮-管水平距离、管-土相对刚度、土壤阻力模数等参数对埋地管道力学性状的影响规律. 此外,应用光纤光栅传感器,对某供水管道在车载作用下的应变响应进行现场测试. 理论计算方法和测试结果对比分析表明:采用该传感器监测管道表面应变具有较高的精度和灵敏度;管顶轴向应变峰值对车速的不敏感;采用静力计算方法分析车辆荷载作用下埋地管道的应力问题具有合理性.
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