Consolidation permeability and adsorption properties of three kinds of typical kaolin clays in China |
ZHONG Xiao-le, ZHAN Liang-tong, GONG Biao, ZENG Xing, CHEN Yun-min |
Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering of Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract To investigatethe-physical, chemical and mechanical properties of different kinds of kaolin clay in China, consolidation, permeability and isothermal adsorption tests were carried out on hard, soft and sandy kaolin clays. The experimental results show that the saturated permeability of the hard and soft kaolin clays can be decreased to 1×10-7 cm/s by consolidating a slurry sample, while the coefficients of permeability and consolidation for the sandy kaolin clay are both one order of magnitude greater than that of hard and soft kaolir clays. The adsorption capacity of Pb2+ and Cd2+ are different for the three kinds of kaolin clay. The order in the adsorption capacity is as follows: hard > soft > sandy kaolin clay. The adsorption capacity of Pb2+ is significantly higher than that of Cd2+ for all of the three kinds of kaolin clays. The values of adsorption capacity for Pb2+(Q0) in terms of the Langmuir isotherm for the hard, soft and sandy kaolin clay are measured as 6 347.2 mg/kg, 3 105.5 mg/kg and 2 672.7 mg/kg, respectively, and the corresponding values for Cd2+ are measured as 691.1 mg/kg, 686.4 mg/kg and 667.5 mg/kg,respe ctively. Considering the difference in the physical, permeability and adsorption properties, as well as the ease of sample preparation, it is recommended to use the soft kaolin clay as an experimental material for the model preparation of an compacted clay liners.
Published: 01 November 2014
为了研究不同类型高岭土的物理、化学及土力学特性,通过压缩固结、渗透及等温吸附试验,确定国内硬质、软质和砂质3种典型高岭土的固结、渗透及吸附特性.试验结果表明:通过压缩固结,硬质、软质高岭土的饱和渗透系数可减小到1×10-7 cm/s,砂质高岭土的渗透、固结系数均比前两者高一个数量级.不同类型的高岭土吸附Pb2+、Cd2+的能力不同,吸附能力由高到低排序为硬质高岭土>软质高岭土>砂质高岭土.3种高岭土对Pb2+的吸附能力均显著高于对Cd2+的吸附,硬质、软质、砂质高岭土对Pb2+的吸附容量分别为6 347.2、3 105.5、2 672.7 mg/kg,对Cd2+的吸附容量分别为691.1、686.4、667.5 mg/kg.综合考虑这3类高岭土的物理、渗透和吸附特性以及制样的方便性,推荐采用软质高岭土作为压实黏土衬垫的实验模拟材料.
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