Simulation of three-dimensional fluctuating wind velocity field #br# upon thunderstorm downburst |
LOU Wen-juan, WANG Jia-wei, YANG Lun, CHEN Yong |
Institute of Structural Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Based upon the impinging jet model, the results of Reynolds stress calculated by Reynolds stress model (RSM) were introduced into the spectrum functions proposed by Letchford and Panofsky respectively. With the three-dimensional fluctuating wind velocity field of the thunderstorm downburst obtained from large eddy simulation (LES), both spectrums were validated, and the one which differs a lot was further revised. In combination with random flow generation technique and fast Fourier transform technique, an efficient method for the simulation of three-dimensional fluctuating wind velocity of the thunderstorm downburst was developed, which satisfied the incompressible condition and coherence function. In order to verify its accuracy, some typical points in a specific radial area of the downburst wind field with relatively high horizontal radial wind velocities were chosen. The simulation method mentioned above was employed to get the three-dimensional fluctuating wind velocities point-by-point along the height direction, whose auto-power spectrum functions and time coherence functions were further checked. The results match well with the target values, which implies that the method can simulate the three-dimensional fluctuating wind velocity field of downburst efficiently and precisely.
Published: 04 August 2014
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