Wireless fading analysis in high-speed train communication |
LIU Jun-biao1, JIN Xin-yu1,DONG Fang2 |
1. College of Information Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;
2. College of Information and Electrical Engineering, City College, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310015, China |
Abstract In order to make communication systems in high-speed train adopt wireless broadband-access technologies, the fading models for the scenario were analyzed to develop train-to-ground wireless communication (TGWC) system.Based on the fundamental architecture in TGWC for high-speed railway, the wireless fading models of path loss and shadow effect were studied among free space model, two-ray model and simplified path loss model. The results of analyzing the measured data and modeling fading channel show that the wireless transmission in TGWC approximately obeys free space model in large-scale propagation. In view of the measured data, the deviation of outage probability in TGWC illustrates that the curve is determined by the parameters of wireless channel while the maximal train-to-ground distance is decided by the minimal receipt power. Similar to the outageprobability curve, the curve of cell coverage is also decided by the wireless fading channel, but the maximal train-to-ground distance makes 10% difference to the value in outage probability.
Published: 01 September 2012
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