自动化技术、计算机技术 |
基于随机森林算法的Android恶意行为识别与分类方法 |
柯懂湘(),潘丽敏*(),罗森林,张寒青 |
北京理工大学 信息系统及安全对抗实验中心,北京 100081 |
Android malicious behavior recognition and classification method based on random forest algorithm |
Dong-xiang KE(),Li-min PAN*(),Sen-lin LUO,Han-qing ZHANG |
Information System and Security Countermeasure Experimental Center, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China |
柯懂湘,潘丽敏,罗森林,张寒青. 基于随机森林算法的Android恶意行为识别与分类方法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2019, 53(10): 2013-2023.
Dong-xiang KE,Li-min PAN,Sen-lin LUO,Han-qing ZHANG. Android malicious behavior recognition and classification method based on random forest algorithm. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2019, 53(10): 2013-2023.
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