
Effects of aboveground parts of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum on the intestinal microflora, immune function and growth performance of broilers
Jing WANG,Tao LIU,Minjie ZHAO,Fengqin FENG,Xiaoying DAI,Haijun QIAO,Xin PENG
图1 三叶青藤叶粉中剂量组与对照组间主坐标分析结果横、纵坐标轴的刻度表示相对距离,无实际意义;百分比表示主坐标轴对样本组成差异的解释度。图中每个点代表一个样本,样本间距离越近说明样本间肠道菌群组成差异越小。
Fig. 1 PCoA results between the THL-M group and the control groupThe scales of horizontal and vertical axes represent relative distance and have no practical significance, and the percentage represents the explanation value of each principal axe for the difference in sample composition. Each point in the figure represents a sample, and the closer the distance between the samples, the smaller the difference in intestinal microflora composition between the samples.