
Recognition of field-grown tobacco plant type characteristics based on three-dimensional point cloud and ensemble learning
Aobo JIA,Tianhao DONG,Yan ZHANG,Binglin ZHU,Yanguo SUN,Yuanhua WU,Yi SHI,Yuntao MA,Yan GUO
图2 烟草各表型参数提取示意图A.烟株正视图;B.最小包围盒体积及凸包体积;C.烟株俯视图;D.茎叶夹角。各表型参数的含义见表1,下同。
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of each phenotypic parameter extraction of tobaccoA. Front view of tobacco plant; B. Minimum enclosing box volume and convex hull volume; C. Top view of tobacco plant; D. Stem and leaf angle. Please see the Table 1 for the details of each phenotypic parameter, and the same as below.