研究论文 |
多甲氧基黄酮在不同宽皮柑橘品种组织中的积累变化规律 |
王彤1( ),叶子茂1,刘梦雨1,申晚霞1,2,赵晓春1,2( ) |
1.西南大学柑桔研究所/中国农业科学院柑桔研究所,重庆 400712 2.国家柑桔工程技术研究中心,重庆 400712 |
Accumulation and change rules of polymethoxylated flavones in different tissues of mandarin |
Tong WANG1( ),Zimao YE1,Mengyu LIU1,Wanxia SHEN1,2,Xiaochun ZHAO1,2( ) |
1.Citrus Research Institute, Southwest University/Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chongqing 400712, China 2.National Citrus Engineering Research Center, Chongqing 400712, China |
王彤,叶子茂,刘梦雨,申晚霞,赵晓春. 多甲氧基黄酮在不同宽皮柑橘品种组织中的积累变化规律[J]. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 2021, 47(6): 729-735.
Tong WANG,Zimao YE,Mengyu LIU,Wanxia SHEN,Xiaochun ZHAO. Accumulation and change rules of polymethoxylated flavones in different tissues of mandarin. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences), 2021, 47(6): 729-735.
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