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浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)  2021, Vol. 47 Issue (6): 729-735    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2021.05.112
1.西南大学柑桔研究所/中国农业科学院柑桔研究所,重庆 400712
2.国家柑桔工程技术研究中心,重庆 400712
Accumulation and change rules of polymethoxylated flavones in different tissues of mandarin
Tong WANG1(),Zimao YE1,Mengyu LIU1,Wanxia SHEN1,2,Xiaochun ZHAO1,2()
1.Citrus Research Institute, Southwest University/Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chongqing 400712, China
2.National Citrus Engineering Research Center, Chongqing 400712, China
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为探究多甲氧基黄酮(polymethoxylated flavone, PMF)在宽皮柑橘果皮、果肉、叶片中的分布情况,利用高效液相色谱(high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC)对39份宽皮柑橘种质果皮、果肉、叶片中5种多甲氧基黄酮(PMFs)进行定量检测,分析其在不同种质中种类与含量的变化特征。结果显示,PMFs含量在不同种质间有显著差异。39份材料的果皮中总PMFs质量分数变化范围为15.81~3 660.94 mg/kg(以鲜质量计,下同),果肉中总PMFs质量分数变化范围为5.71~27.67 mg/kg,叶片中总PMFs质量分数变化范围为97.14~8 476.15 mg/kg,表明PMFs的合成及积累具有明显的种质特异性。同一种质不同组织中的PMFs含量也有明显差异,总PMFs平均含量为叶片>果皮>果肉;不同种质中3个组织的PMFs含量变化规律一致,各组织之间呈极显著的正相关关系。不同组织中PMFs化合物的组成也有差异,果皮中川陈皮素的含量最高,果肉、叶片中橘皮素的含量最高,说明川陈皮素和橘皮素是宽皮柑橘中最主要的PMFs。上述结果可为进一步研究PMFs生物合成的遗传调控及柑橘营养成分的遗传改良奠定基础。

关键词: 宽皮柑橘多甲氧基黄酮高效液相色谱相关性分析    

In order to analyze the distribution and the regulation of polymethoxylated flavone (PMF) accumulation in the peel, pulp and leaf of mandarins among different genotypes and tissues, contents of five PMFs were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in the peel, pulp and leaf of 39 mandarin germplasms. The results showed that the contents of PMFs significantly varied among the different mandarin germplasms. In the 39 mandarins, contents of total PMFs in peel ranged from 15.81 to 3 660.94 mg/kg (calculated by fresh mass and the same below), and they in pulp ranged from 5.71 to 27.67 mg/kg, and they in leaf varied from 97.14 to 8 476.15 mg/kg, indicating that accumulation of PMFs was genotype specific. The contents of PMFs in different tissues of the same germplasm were also significantly different. The order of average total contents of PMFs was leaf>peel>pulp. The contents of PMFs among the tissues in different genotypes showed highly significant positive correlations, indicating that the genetic regulation on PMF accumulation in different tissues was similar. The compositions of PMFs in different tissues were different. In the peel, nobiletin contents were the highest of the total PMFs, while tangeretin contents were the highest in the pulp and leaf. Both nobiletin and tangeretin were the main PMFs in the 39 mandarins. The above results lay a foundation for further research on the genetic regulation of PMF biosynthesis and genetic improvement of citrus nutrients.

Key words: mandarin    polymethoxylated flavone    high performance liquid chromatography    correlation analysis
收稿日期: 2021-05-11 出版日期: 2021-12-25
CLC:  S 666.2  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(31901999)
通讯作者: 赵晓春     E-mail:;
作者简介: 王彤(,
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王彤,叶子茂,刘梦雨,申晚霞,赵晓春. 多甲氧基黄酮在不同宽皮柑橘品种组织中的积累变化规律[J]. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 2021, 47(6): 729-735.

Tong WANG,Zimao YE,Mengyu LIU,Wanxia SHEN,Xiaochun ZHAO. Accumulation and change rules of polymethoxylated flavones in different tissues of mandarin. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences), 2021, 47(6): 729-735.





Name of variety






Name of variety



1湘慈43号 Xiangci No. 43中国(湖南长沙)21鹅蛋香柑 Edan Xianggan中国(重庆江津)


Clementine Bernard S.R.A 65



Xingyi Dahongpao

3扁橘78-7 Shikuwasha 78-7日本(冲绳)23粗皮狗屎柑 Cupi Goushigan中国(重庆合川)
4油皮橘 Yuhikitsu中国24朱砂柑 Zhushagan中国(广西贺州)
5皇帝柑 Emperor mandarin澳大利亚25和平92号红橘 Heping No. 92 Hongju中国(重庆巴南)
6大津4号 Ootsu No. 4 unshu日本26蜂洞橘 Fengdong ponkan中国(云南石屏)
7象引15号 Xiangyin No. 15日本27曼谷橘 Manguju尼泊尔
8青岛温州 Aoshima unshu日本28聂都野橘2号 Niedu Yeju No. 2中国(江西聂都)
9津之香 Tsunokaori tangor日本29凯旋柑 Kaixuangan中国(浙江黄岩)
10扁柑 Biangan中国(广西柳州)30晚蜜1号 Wanmi No. 1中国(重庆北碚)
11城固冰糖橘 Chenggu Bingtangju中国(陕西城固)31本地早橘 Bendizaoju中国(浙江黄岩)
12春见 Harumi日本32春香 Haruka日本
13晚蜜2号 Wanmi No. 2中国(重庆北碚)33诺瓦橘 Nova mandarin美国
14专有橘 Parson’s special美国34古田中熟温州 Furuta wase日本
15埃及橘 Egypt mandarin埃及35久贺早生 Kuga wase unshu日本
16天草 Amakusa日本36北口温州 Kitaguchi wase unshu日本
17橘子 Juzi中国(湖南张家界)37佐贺橘 Saga mandarin日本
18白驹福橘 Baiju Fuju中国(江苏白驹)38寿太郎温州蜜柑 Judaro unshu日本
19秋辉红 Qiuhuihong中国(重庆北碚)39盛田温州 Morita unshu日本
20口之津15号 Kuchinotsu No. 15日本
表1  本研究中所用的宽皮柑橘种质材料


Mobile phase

volume ratio/%

洗脱时间 Elution time/min


0.2% acetic acid solution

甲醇 Methanol1030808010
表2  流动相梯度洗脱程序
图1  5种多甲氧基黄酮标准品在330 nm波长处的高效液相色谱图1:甜橙黄酮;2:川陈皮素;3:去甲基川陈皮素;4:橘皮素;5:栀子黄素B。
图2  宽皮柑橘果皮中多甲氧基黄酮含量的聚类分析热图图中序号所代表的品种详见表1。
图3  宽皮柑橘果肉中多甲氧基黄酮含量的聚类分析热图图中序号所代表的品种详见表1。
图4  宽皮柑橘叶片中多甲氧基黄酮含量的聚类分析热图图中序号所代表的品种详见表1。
图5  果皮、果肉、叶片中多甲氧基黄酮含量的聚类分析热图图中序号所代表的品种详见表1。









果皮 Peel1.0000.926**0.667**
果肉 Pulp0.926**1.0000.681**
叶片 Leaf0.667**0.681**1.000
表3  果皮、果肉、叶片中多甲氧基黄酮含量的相关性分析
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