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Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering)  2005, Vol. 6 Issue (Supplement 1): 124-127    DOI: 10.1007/BF02887227
Computer and Information Science     
Shape modification of Bézier curves by constrained optimization
WU Qing-biao, XIA Fei-hai
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Abstract  The Bézier curve is one of the most commonly used parametric curves in CAGD and Computer Graphics and has many good properties for shape design. Developing more convenient techniques for designing and modifying Bézier curve is an important problem, and is also an important research issue in CAD/CAM and NC technology fields. This work investigates the optimal shape modification of Bézier curves by geometric constraints. This paper presents a new method by constrained optimization based on changing the control points of the curves. By this method, the authors modify control points of the original Bézier curves to satisfy the given constraints and modify the shape of the curves optimally. Practical examples are also given.

Key wordsShape modification      Bézier curve      Constrained optimization     
CLC:  TP391  
Cite this article:

WU Qing-biao, XIA Fei-hai. Shape modification of Bézier curves by constrained optimization. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering), 2005, 6(Supplement 1): 124-127.

URL:     OR 1/124

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