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李亚南1,王冀平2,邵健忠1,毛树坚1( 1. 浙江大学生命科学学院 ,浙江 杭州 310012; 2. 浙江省测试技术研究所 ,浙江 杭州 310012)
Research on Temperature Eff ect in Immune Response of Grass Carp(Ctenopharyngodenidellus CuvieretValencinnes
LI Ya-nan1, W AN G Ji-ping , SH AO Jian-zhong1, eta l( 1. College of L if e Sciences , Zhejiang U niversity ,Hangzhou 310012, Ch in a ; 2. Zh ejia n g Institute o f Testing Technolog y , Hang zhou , 310012, China )
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摘要: 本文通过对草鱼在不同温度 ( 10℃、 18℃、 26℃ )饲养条件下 ,注射细菌抗原 (嗜水产气单孢菌 ) ,用凝集抗体的检测方法测定其血清的凝集效价 ,研究不同水温下草鱼的体液免疫应答水平的差异 ,结果显示草鱼在 26℃ , 18℃ , 10℃三种温度下凝集抗体效价具有随时间推移 (抗原注射后 )而变化的规律 ,得出了草鱼在 18℃ , 26℃的温度范围内 ,温度越高 ,体液免疫应答的水平也越高 ,低温能抑制其体液免疫应答 . 该文还研究了草鱼外周血中淋巴细胞 ,在不同温度 ( 10℃、 18℃、 26℃ )的体外培养中 ,分别受 PHA与SP A的刺激 ,经 3 H-Td R掺入法间接检测其细胞免疫应答 ,发现低温 ( 10℃、 18℃ )时 , T淋转受抑制 ,而 B淋转不受影响 ,反映出低温效应所引起的免疫抑制是与 T细胞免疫应答抑制有关 .
关键词: 草鱼免疫应答T、 B淋巴细胞水温    
Abstract: Humoral immune responses o f g rass car p(Ctenopharyngoden idellus) in diffe rent temperaturew ere studied by testing the agg lutinate a ntibo dy titer after injecting A H( Aeromenas hy drophilic ) , the bacterial a ntigen. The regulation o f agglutina teantibody titer 's changing w as found in 10℃ , 18℃ , 26℃that the hig her th e tem pe ratur e w as, the faste r the agg lutinate antibody titer increased, and the hig herthe lev el of hum o ral im m une response w as, w hile low er tem pe ratur e w o uld inhibited fish 's im m une re-spo nding. And the peripher al blo od ly m phocy tes f rom accum ulated Grass Ca rp in different tem peratur e,10℃ , 18℃ a nd 26℃ , being stim ula ted by P HA and S PA, and being de tec ted by the m ag nitude of 3 H-Td Rinco rpo ra tio n, indica ted that T ly m phocytes transformation o f response w as inhibited at the low temperature ( 10℃ , 18℃ ) , but B lymphocytes no t. The results reflected that the temperature im m uno sup-pression resulted fro m prefential inhibitory effects o n T cell rather than B cell.
Key words: Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngoden idellus Cuvieret Valencinnes)    immune response    T and Blym phocytes    water temperature
收稿日期: 1998-10-05 出版日期: 2017-05-15
:  Q28   
基金资助: 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目 ( 395185)
作者简介: 李亚南 ( 1958- ) ,男 ,浙江大学西溪校区生命科学学院副教授 ,博士 ,主要从事细胞生物学与免疫学研究 .
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李亚南,王冀平,邵健忠,毛树坚. 鱼类免疫应答中的温度效应研究[J]. 浙江大学学报(理学版), .

LI Ya-nan, WANG Ji-ping,SHAO Jian-zhong, eta l. Research on Temperature Eff ect in Immune Response of Grass Carp(Ctenopharyngodenidellus CuvieretValencinnes. Journal of ZheJIang University(Science Edition), .


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