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Food Qual Safet
Ellagic acid in strawberry (Fragaria spp.): Biological, technological, stability, and human health aspects
Selva Muthukumaran*, Carole Tranchant**, John Shi***, Xingqian Ye****, Sophia Jun Xue***
*Department of Food Science and Post-Harvest Technology, Institute of Technology, Haramaya University, Post Box 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, **School of Food Science, Nutrition and Family Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences and Community Services, Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick E1A 3E9, Canada, ***Guelph Research and Development Center, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 93 Stone Road West, Guelph, Ontario N1G 5C9, Canada, and ****School of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
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摘要: 鞣花酸是与人类健康息息相关的一种天然植物多酚,常见于坚果、种子和水果(尤其浆果类)中,自然界中鞣花酸以鞣花单宁形式存在。草莓因富含鞣花酸及其前提物质,被认为是一种重要的功能食品和营养来源。本文对不同草莓品种和草莓加工产品中的鞣花酸含量、贮藏加工过程中鞣花酸稳定性、制备方法及其人体健康方面的研究进行了综述。与溶剂提取相比,利用发酵-酶解生化反应来高效提取植物原料中的鞣花酸有着巨大的前景。草莓中富含鞣花酸,其含量会随着品种、生长条件和成熟度差异而有所不同。据报道,草莓和野生草莓瘦果和叶子中含有较高含量的鞣花酸。草莓采后贮藏保鲜及加工贮藏过程中的不同条件对草莓中鞣花酸含量会产生一定的影响。通过加入预处理后的瘦果来提高草莓果汁和果酒中较低的鞣花酸含量。草莓被公认为一种功能食品,通过体外和动物实验研究草莓中鞣花酸生理活性表明,其主要包括抗氧化、抗炎症、抗癌、糖尿病防治、心脑血管保护、神经保护、肠道微生物调节等。富含鞣花酸食物的健康效应主要体现在细胞水平上(细胞信号调控、酶活性和基因表达等)。食物中鞣花酸吸收率较低,通常被肠道微生物转化为尿石素后更易于吸收并对健康有益。通过大量研究证据的积累,草莓中的鞣花酸在功能、营养和药物应用上有着很大的前景。以下领域有待进一步研究:不同植物部位草莓、果渣和副产物中鞣花酸的定量分析、草莓加工副产物中鞣花酸制备优化、鞣花酸代谢产物生理活性研究、尿石素制备条件和微生物种类确立;提高鞣花酸溶解性、稳定性和生物活性的传递体系建立。
关键词: 草莓鞣花酸稳定性生物技术制备生物利用率代谢生理活性健康效应    
Abstract: Ellagic acid (EA) is one of the plant phenolics associated with human health benefits. It derives from ellagitannins found in some nuts, seeds, and fruits, especially berries. Strawberries are considered a functional food and nutraceutical source, mainly because of their high concentration of EA and its precursors. This review presents the current state of knowledge regarding EA, focusing on its content in strawberry plants, stability during processing and storage of strawberry-based foods, production methods, and relevance to human health. As alternatives to acid-solvent extraction, fermentation-enzymatic bioprocesses hold great promises for more eco-efficient production of EA from plant materials. Strawberry fruits are generally rich in EA, with large variations depending on cultivar, growth conditions and maturity at harvest. High EA contents are also reported in strawberry achenes and leaves, and in wild strawberries. Strawberry postharvest storage, processing and subsequent storage can influence EA content. EA low concentration in strawberry juice and wine can be increased by incorporating pre-treated achenes. Widespread recognition of strawberries as functional foods is substantiated by evidence of EA biological effects, including antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antidiabetic, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, and prebiotic effects. The health benefits attributed to EA-rich foods are thought to involve various protective mechanisms at the cellular level. Dietary EA is converted by the intestinal microbiota to urolithins, which are better absorbed than EA and may contribute significantly to the health effects attributed to EA-rich foods. Based on the evidence available, strawberry EA shows strong promises for functional, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical applications. Future research should be directed at quantifying EA in different parts of the strawberry plant and in their byproducts; optimizing EA production from byproducts; understanding the biological actions of EA-derived metabolites in vivo, including the interactions between EA metabolites, other substances and food/biological matrices; characterizing the conditions and microorganisms involved in urolithin production; and developing delivery systems that enhance EA functionality and bioactivity.
Key words: Strawberry plant    Ellagic acid    Processing    Metabolism    Bioactivity
收稿日期: 2017-03-14 出版日期: 2017-12-29
通讯作者: Carole C. Tranchant     E-mail:
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Selva Muthukumaran
Carole Tranchant
John Shi
Xingqian Ye
Sophia Jun Xue


Selva Muthukumaran, Carole Tranchant, John Shi, Xingqian Ye, Sophia Jun Xue. Ellagic acid in strawberry (Fragaria spp.): Biological, technological, stability, and human health aspects. Food Qual Safet, 10.1093/fqsafe/fyx023.


[1] Punit Jatin Chawda, John Shi, Sophia Xue, Siew Young Quek. 生物活性分子共包封技术在食品中的应用[J]. Food Qual Safet, 2017, 1(4): 302-309.