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Food Qual Safet  2017, Vol. 1 Issue (2): 107-116    DOI: 10.1093/fqs/fyx015
Effect of honey in improving the gut microbial balance
Anand Mohan*, Siew-Young Quek*, Noemi Gutierrez-Maddox**, Yihuai Gao***, Quan Shu***
*School of Chemical Sciences, the University of Auckland, New Zealand, **School of Applied Sciences, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand and ***Bioactives Research New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand
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摘要: 消费者对食品在健康方面的重视,科研工作者加大了对健康有益因素(如益生菌、益生元和合生元)的研究重点。活的益生菌菌株在各种食物体系中必须经受不利的加工和胃环境,活的菌株存活才得以赋予人类肠道所需的生理反应。非消化寡糖作为可发酵的益生元底物,可以促进益生菌乳杆菌和双歧杆菌的生长来选择性调节肠道内的菌群平衡,从而改善宿主的代谢功能。蜂蜜所含有的寡糖可产生促进益生元效应的有益代谢物。大量关于蜂蜜的研究集中在蜂蜜的抗菌成分及其对健康的影响上,同时也有许多研究关注在麦卢卡等不同蜂蜜独特的抗菌活性上。然而已有的文献中,尚未充分探讨蜂蜜与益生菌协同作用产生的杀菌和抑菌因子的可能性。本综述的重点是研究蜂蜜成分中未被全面评估的益生元潜力。大多数报道出的研究结果建议蜂蜜最佳的浓度,为了蜂蜜益生元功能的认可度,需进一步对蜂蜜的研究集中在发酵专一性标准建立上。
Abstract: Increasing consumer emphasis on the health benefits of foods has enhanced the research focus in health promoting elements, such as probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics. Live probiotic bacterial strains, which are incorporated in various food systems, must survive unfavourable processing and gastric environments to confer the desired physiological responses in the human gut. Non-digestible oligosaccharides are provided as fermentable prebiotic substrates to selectively modulate the gut microbial balance in favour of probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, thus improving the host metabolic function. Honey contains oligosaccharides that can be utilized by the saccharolytic fermenters to yield beneficial metabolites that promote the prebiotic effect. There are numerous studies on the antimicrobial components and health effects of honey, and many have focused on the unique antibacterial activity of varieties such as Manuka. However, the possibility of the bactericidal and bacteriostatic factors in honey working synergistically with probiotics is yet to be adequately explored in the literature. The focus of this review is on the studies that have endeavoured to evaluate the prebiotic potential of honey, which has not been comprehensively assessed as the more established prebiotics. The results in most of the reported investigations are encouraging at optimal concentrations of honey, and further research is recommended as per the defined criteria of fermentation selectivity required for the endorsement of prebiotic functionality.
收稿日期: 2016-10-14 出版日期: 2017-07-06
通讯作者: Siew-Young Quek, School of Chemical Sciences, the University of Auckland, New Zealand.     E-mail:
作者简介: Siew-Young Quek, School of Chemical Sciences, the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
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Anand Mohan
Siew-Young Quek
Noemi Gutierrez-Maddox
Yihuai Gao
Quan Shu


Anand Mohan, Siew-Young Quek, Noemi Gutierrez-Maddox, Yihuai Gao, Quan Shu. Effect of honey in improving the gut microbial balance. Food Qual Safet, 2017, 1(2): 107-116.


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