
Quick identification of internal resistance components for lithium ion battery with LiFePO4 cathode
Bin PAN,Dong DONG,Dong-pei QIAN,Shu-qiang NIU,Shuang-yu LIU,Yin-zhu JIANG
表 2 采用二阶等效电路时的浓差极化内阻模拟计算结果
Tab.2 Calculation results of concentration polarization resistance by second order RC models
SOC τ1 /s τ2 /s Rd1 /mΩ Rd2 /mΩ Rd /mΩ
1/6 25.18 193.52 24.40 9.74 34.14
2/6 30.97 921.05 23.99 15.12 39.11
3/6 22.74 183.15 21.97 9.66 31.63
4/6 21.86 256.04 25.36 12.21 37.57
5/6 29.12 301.70 31.86 20.68 52.54