
Effects of welding details on ultra-low cycle fatigue performance of T-welded joint
Wen-tao YU,Xu XIE,Cheng CHENG
表 1 Q345qC钢材的Chaboche混合强化模型参数
Tab.1 Parameters of chaboche' strengthening model for Q345qC steel
材料 σ|0 / MPa Q/ MPa b Ckin,1/MPa γ1 Ckin,2 /MPa γ2 Ckin,3 /MPa γ3 εf c
母材 354.10 13.2 0.6 44373.7 523.8 9346.6 120.2 946.1 18.7 0.8219 −0.6550
热影响区 312.57 9.8 0.7 32242.4 199.2 3858.5 43.1 329.2 0.3
焊缝 428.45 17.4 0.4 12752.3 160.0 1111.2 160.0 630.5 26.0 0.6097 −0.6786