
Frequency hopping modulation recognition of convolutional neural network based on time-frequency characteristics
Hong-guang LI,Ying GUO,Ping SUI,Zi-sen QI
表 2 6种参数组合的CNN调制识别训练结果
Tab.2 Training results of CNN modulation recognition based on six parameter combinations
${K_{\rm l}}$ r ${R_{\rm{c}}}$/kB $V$/(幅·s−1 ${R_{{\rm{psr}}}}$/%
$7 \times 7$ 2 2269.476 2.92 91.32
$5 \times 5$ 2 1585.653 5.24 87.39
$3 \times 3$ 2 357.248 8.23 83.46
$3 \times 3$ 4 357.248 8.23 86.75
$3 \times 3$ 6 357.248 8.23 90.14
$3 \times 3$ 8 357.248 8.23 91.18