
Fast measurement of static displacement field in cable-strut tensile structure
Xiao-shun WU,Chen-hui HUANG,Xin-tao WANG,Hua DENG
表 2 对静力位移贡献最大的前5阶理想模态及其组合系数(工况1)
Tab.2 First five ideal modes contributing most to express static displacements and combinatorial coefficients (load case 1)
理想结构 实际结构
j |αj| γ j j |αj| γ j
9 2.223 3 1.000 0 9 2.346 4 1.000 0
98 0.862 2 0.387 8 98 0.908 6 0.387 2
148 0.030 6 0.013 8 148 0.032 2 0.013 7
153 0.021 3 0.009 6 153 0.022 5 0.009 6
134 0.009 5 0.004 3 134 0.011 6 0.004 9