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Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities  2019, Vol. 34 Issue (2): 162-    DOI: 10.1007/s11766-019-3565-9
Wiener Index, Hyper-Wiener Index, Harary Index and Hamiltonicity Properties of graphs
YU Gui-dong, REN Li-fang, LI Xing-xing
1 School of Mathmatics and Computation Sciences, Anqing Normal University, Anqing 246133,China.
2 Basic Department, Hefei Preschool Education College, Hefei 230013, China.
Wiener Index, Hyper-Wiener Index, Harary Index and Hamiltonicity Properties of graphs
YU Gui-dong, REN Li-fang, LI Xing-xing
1 School of Mathmatics and Computation Sciences, Anqing Normal University, Anqing 246133,China.
2 Basic Department, Hefei Preschool Education College, Hefei 230013, China.
 全文: PDF 
摘要: In this paper, in terms of Wiener index, hyper-Wiener index and Harary index, we
first give some sufficient conditions for a nearly balance bipartite graph with given minimum
degree to be traceable. Secondly, we establish some conditions for a k-connected graph to be
Hamilton-connected and traceable for every vertex, respectively.
关键词: Wiener index Hyper-Wiener index Harary index, Traceable Hamilton-connected Traceable for every vertex    
Abstract: In this paper, in terms of Wiener index, hyper-Wiener index and Harary index, we
first give some sufficient conditions for a nearly balance bipartite graph with given minimum
degree to be traceable. Secondly, we establish some conditions for a k-connected graph to be
Hamilton-connected and traceable for every vertex, respectively.
Key words: Wiener index    Hyper-Wiener index    Harary index, Traceable    Hamilton-connected    Traceable for every vertex
出版日期: 2019-07-02
CLC:  05C50  
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YU Gui-dong
REN Li-fang
LI Xing-xing


YU Gui-dong, REN Li-fang, LI Xing-xing. Wiener Index, Hyper-Wiener Index, Harary Index and Hamiltonicity Properties of graphs[J]. Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2019, 34(2): 162-.

YU Gui-dong, REN Li-fang, LI Xing-xing. Wiener Index, Hyper-Wiener Index, Harary Index and Hamiltonicity Properties of graphs. Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2019, 34(2): 162-.


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